

E: farah.machmouchi@hnslegal.com

Farah possesses extensive legal expertise across various domains, evidenced by her significant contributions in providing comprehensive legal opinions and dedicated client support. Her proficiency extends beyond traditional legal practice to include guiding entrepreneurs through company establishment frameworks and facilitating seamless investment closures, reflecting her commitment to supporting business growth. Her dedication to ensuring regulatory compliance reinforces her commitment to upholding legal integrity and minimizing corporate risk.

Farah's involvement as a Policy Researcher for Governance and Climate Justice demonstrates her broader societal engagement and commitment to addressing pressing societal issues. Her contributions to the legal community through published works focusing on policy frameworks and legal strategies further solidify her reputation as a multitalented and impactful legal professional.

Her previous role as External Legal Counsel at a prominent Middle Eastern unicorn startup underscores her proficiency in drafting and refining intricate corporate contracts, conducting thorough legal research, and optimizing agreement templates for increased efficiency.


Ph.D. Candidate in International Business Law, École Doctorale de Droit et des Sciences Politiques, Administratives et Économiques, Lebanese University, Lebanon
Master of Laws in International Business Law (M1 and M2), Filière Francophone De Droit, Lebanese University, Lebanon
Bachelor of Laws, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Lebanese University, Lebanon
Bachelor of Business Administration (Concentration: Finance), American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Mediation Diploma, Professional Mediation Center (CPM), Université Saint Joseph, IFOMENE and AME, Lebanon


Member of the Beirut Bar Association
Member of the Professional Mediation Center at USJ, IFOMENE and AME
Member of the MENA FinTech Association
Member of the UNDP Youth Leadership Program (YLP6)


Arabic, French, English


International Business Law and Cross-Border Transactions
Legal Tech
Blockchain & Smart Contracts
Data Privacy and Cybersecurity
International Intellectual Property Law
Public Law & Governance
Environmental Law